Understanding Virtual Currency, Crypto Currency and Digital Currency for beginners 101.

Virtual, digital and crypto currencies are currencies of the internet. Some people term them as one and the same while others tend to use them interchangeably. They are slightly different but linked in many ways. Virtual Currency Virtual currencies are fiction currency that is not physical like the fiat currency which is our bank notes and coins .They cannot be seen or felt .Virtual money are electronic money used in a virtual world and accepted by the members of the virtual community. These currencies are mostly used in games which are issued and controlled by its developer .Virtual currency is unregulated by government or central bank but it is accepted as a means of payment, can be transferred stored or traded electronically. We have two types of virtual currencies, the fiction and the convertible virtual currencies. Fiction virtual currencies cannot be used to purchase goods or services but used in games examples farmV ille coin , world of warcr...